
I’m glad you asked.

I’ve started a new job. Well, I suppose ‘new’ is a bit subjective here. I’m coming up on my one year anniversary.

The Long and Short of It

I was planning The Big Ride and was hurriedly getting rid of all my personal belongings.

A good friend called and let me know that, while she recognized that it’s not the same as riding my motorcycle, she knew of a job opportunity where someone would be willing to pay to have me roam the country.

It didn’t take long. A few phone calls, an emailed resume, and before I knew it, I was working in the new position.

Update: Want to know more about what I’m doing now? See this post.

What Does This Mean for the Site

Not terribly much. I still think that I will take that same ride one day. Just not today. In the meantime, I’m really enjoying my new position, and will have plenty to share here.

What’s more, this position gives me a bit of flexibility with regards to my down time. It works on a seven week cycle. Six of those weeks I’m working, and the seventh I’m off. During off weeks, the company is willing to fly me home, or (if I prefer) somewhere in the US within reason. Of course that means I can’t (easily) bring my motorcycle, but this seems quite the gift, and I intend to enjoy it as such.

It’s time to start adventuring.

Coming Up

I’m currently planning my first ‘adventure break’. The plan is to do that in a fairly public fashion here and to post information regarding the plans, media that I collect while on the trip, and occasionally a traditional blog post or two as the mood strikes with regards to travel and adventure.

I would love to hear from you if you have any items on your Bucket List that fall into these categories:

  • Locations / Events that I could go to in order to help a charity. Know of an event that is looking for walkers/hikers/a pair of strong hands? Please let me know. If I could do something to help people out while living a bit more adventure in my life? That would make me exceedingly happy.
  • Hiking trips that you don’t have the time / freedom to take yourself. Perhaps I can get there and take the hike for you. I realize it’s not the same, but it’s better than nothing.
  • Someplace that is just so cool, you have to tell someone. What’s your favorite place to go hiking?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I look forward to sharing the road with you.